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Potatoes with Eggs: Healthy, easy and quick recipe ready in just 20 minutes

Healthy and Quick Dinner in just 20 minutes A unique potatoes and egg recipe

Using potatoes and eggs always contributed to muscle gain and loss of fat. Both are easily available, low cost and have a high protein ratio. A combination of both of these can be a good source of protein, fiber, vitamins like vitamin C and B12, potassium, and healthy fats.

So, today we’ll discuss a unique and quick recipe by using these as the main ingredients. The name of the recipe can be potatoes and egg fried roll . The name is on the final look of the recipe so keep in mind this can’t be the official name as this is a unique and self-created recipe.

Let’s check out the whole recipe and process.

Key Ingredients

  • 5 eggs

  • 3 potatoes

  • Salt and black pepper

  • 70g cheese

  • Butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil)

  • Paprika (optional but recommended)

  • 1 teaspoon sugar

  • 400 ml milk

  • 200 g flour (10 tablespoons)

  • Vegetable oil

  • 3-4 tablespoons breadcrumbs


Steps in procedure

For easy understanding, we have divided the whole procedure into the following steps:

  • Preparing the fillings

  • Making Covering

  • Frying and Serving

Step 1: Prepare the Fillings

Start by making the fillings for the roll. This could be very easy just follow the simply described process and you will surely get the expected results.

  • Take the potatoes, cut them into small pieces, and let them boil for 10 minutes.

  • While potatoes are boiling, take 2 eggs and beat them in a bowl to mix thoroughly, add a pinch of salt and black pepper.

  • Take the onion, paprika and coriander, and chop all of them into small pieces.

  • Take some butter and grease a pan to fry the chopped onion and paprika for 2-3 minutes.

  • When potatoes are boiled, take them out of the water and smash them using a spoon or any other available instrument. Then mix fried onion, paprika, 70 grams of cheese, and chopped coriander into the smashed potatoes and mix them thoroughly.

  • And now the filling is ready to be filled in special roti or outer covering.

Step 2: Making the Covering

  • Take the 2 beaten eggs (from step 1) and add some spices of your desire or as described in step 1.

  • Add 200 grams of milk to the beaten eggs and mix it.

  • Then add 200 grams of flour to the mixture and mix thoroughly until the mixture becomes thick viscous fluid. Add 200 grams of milk again and mix it well until it forms a batter.

  • Now, grease a pan with butter (preferred but optional), take some quantity of batter, and spread it over the pan. Let it fry for 1-2 minutes and then switch the side.

  • Follow the same procedure to make the round sheets of batter (as shown) or it can be called roti or even the covering, whatever you desire the purpose will be the same.

  • Now, step 2 is completed here and you are ready for the final step.

Step 3: Frying and Serving the Dish

This step is going to be the last step of the procedure. Just follow the given instruction:

  • Take the roti (prepared in step 2) and some quantity of potato filling (from step 1) on the roti/round egg sheet.

  • Cover the side first and then roll it to the end and put the roll aside.

  • Prepare the rolls from all the filling and sheets or you can save them for later use.

  • Once you prepare all the rolls, take 3 eggs with a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper and 3 tablespoons of flour, and mix all of them thoroughly to form a thick mixture.

  • Take 3-4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs in a separate container.

  • Take a roll and dip it into the egg mixture, then apply a layer of breadcrumbs on this roll and let it fry in the pan for a while.

  • Switch the sides of the roll to let it fry from all the sides. Follow the same procedure for all the rolls.

  • Once all the rolls are fried, place all of them in a separate dish and they are ready to be served.

Personal Tips

  • Butter could be the best recommendation as it has many health benefits but it can also be replaced with vegetable oil.

  • You can also add chopped carrots or any other available vegetables of your desire and preference to the smashed potatoes.

  • Serving some ketchup or mayonnaise can contribute a lot to the taste and health scale.

  • As this recipe contains 5 eggs, 3 potatoes, vegetables and butter, it has a high protein level which can be beneficial for you in your health journey.

Try out this unique and quick recipe and comment down below about your experience with this recipe. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media for the latest updates and other opportunities. You can also click here to check another amazing and quick recipe.

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