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Make Delicious, Healthy, and Quick Breakfast in just 10 minutes | Making Bread Pakora

Every morning can be the beginning of a beautiful and charming day if breakfast is delicious, healthy, and most importantly quick and effective one. Your breakfast has a vital role in your effective performance throughout the day. So, the importance of your healthy and delicious breakfast can never be compromised when it comes to represent a better performance and achieving goals throughout the day.

Today, we are going to make delicious, healthy, and ultrasoft Bread Pakora. These breakfast snacks will be so delicious, healthy and very soft from the inside and the most important point is that these snacks are very quick and easy to make.

So let’s start the recipe.



  • 2 medium-sized boiled potatoes (cut the potatoes into small pieces to make them boil quickly)

  • 1 fine chopped onion

  • Half cabbage (finely chopped)

  • 1 fine chopped carrot

  • 2-3 chopped green chili

  • A cup full of chopped green coriander

  • Sandwich bread slices


  • Normal salt 1 and a half teaspoon

  • Red chili powder 1 teaspoon

  • Coriander Powder 1 tablespoon

  • Turmeric powder half teaspoon

  • Black pepper and cumin powder half teaspoon

For batter

  • Half cup chickpea flour or besan powder

  • Salt 1 teaspoon

  • 1 cup coriander

  • 1 and a half cup of water


making the dow

Step One: Make the Dow

The very first thing you have to do is to make the fillings. For that take all the vegetables as described in the ingredients which are 2 medium-sized boiled potatoes, 1 chopped onion, half chopped cabbage, 2-3 chopped green chili, and a cup of green coriander (chopped). Mix all the vegetables and spices together and make a hard dow that is for the filling of the bread.

making the basen batter

Step Two: Make the Batter

The next step is to make the batter for the bread slices to be dipped. To do so, take half a cup of chickpea flour or besan in a large bowl and add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of chopped coriander, and water to make the batter. Remember that the batter must be liquid-like and should not be hard.

making the sandwich for breakfast

Step Three: Prepare Slices

The third step is to start making the bread slices and prepare for the final step. Take the bread slice and spread the dow (from the first step) on the slice equally just like a sandwich. Take the other slice and apply any ketchup or sauce (which is easily available) and layer it on the bread slice. Then put that slice on the other slice which is covered with and dow. Then take a bread-cutting knife and cut the sandwich into two pieces from its diagonal. Make all the slices and put them aside for the final step.

frying the sand and serving

Step Four: Fry It

Now it's time to fry the bread slices. Here is the complete procedure for the final step:

  • Take a frying pan in which you can deep fry the sandwich.

  • Heat the oil or ghee to high flames.

  • Take the sandwich and dip it well into the besan batter until it is covered with the layer of the batter.

  • Then put the dipped sandwich into the heated oil (keep the flames high).

  • Deeply fry the sandwich until a beautiful and crispy golden color appears then take it out and it is ready to be served.

Your simple, easy, healthy, and quick bread pakora recipe is done and ready to be served or to be packed in the lunch boxes.

some additional tips for making the recipe more healthy and delicious

Additional Tips

  • Before boiling the potatoes, cut them into small pieces this will speed up the boiling time.

  • During the boiling time, prepare the batter.

  • Add any other vegetables of your desire to make the sandwich more healthier and delicious.

  • If you use green chutney as the alternate of ketchup then it would be a better option.

  • You can also add an egg in the besan batter to make it much healthier and crispy.

  • Try to have some mayonnaise or green chutney with the sandwich.

  • Many think that how it is healthier as it contains deep fry and a lot of oil. The question is good but the point is that there is a layer of chickpea flour or besan batter outside of bread slices which blocks the oil to be penetrated and keep the sandwich vegetables healthy.

At last, if you like this recipe don’t forget to share it with your loved ones and let them try this quick and healthy recipe as well.

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