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Improve your Hair Health by Following these Simple Tips

Is there anyone who doesn’t want to have silky, stronger, and especially healthier hair? Absolutely, there will be no one. But due to increments in technology, the world’s overall pollution has also increased, and hence, various health-related problems also emerged, and many hair problems are also one of those.

So now, many common questions like, how can I get silky, smooth, stronger, and healthier hair? and many related questions pop into mind which are the main concern of this article. Let’s see what you are going to learn throughout this article.

  • Some Common cause of hair problems

  • Daily hair caring routine by professionals

  • Weekly hair caring routine for healthier hairs

  • Some additional and personal tips

So, let’s dive deeply.

Some Common cause of hair problems

Several problems that are related to hair can be the cause of your genetics, several hormonal changes in the body, lack of healthy immune system. Here is a detailed overview of the common hair related problems:

  • Hairstyle: Common mistakes, that may cause hair fall and even hair loss, are your tightened hairstyles like braids, ponytails, or hair extensions. These mistakes may seem to be small but can lead to severe hair fall or even hair loss.

  • Nutritional deficiencies: As everyone knows hair is the part of the body that eventually needs proper nutrients and essential vitamins to grow properly and become stronger. However, due to various factors or the lack of acknowledgment, they do not get enough nutrients to grow well and hence become weaker and weaker.

  • Genetics: Your hair is generally inherited by your parents and their overall quality may highly depend on your genetics.

  • Hormonal changes: As age increases, several hormonal changes occur in the body which (if not handled properly) may cause hair to damage and not only on your hair this may also lead the poor body health.

Scalp massage

The very first thing to do is to massage your scalp gently with your fingertips, there are also many instruments for scalp massaging that you can consider if you can afford them. Scalp massage is not only very relaxing but also responsible for a better mood throughout the day and many more which are discussed below:


  • Massaging improves the blood flow in the vessels so the flow of nutrients to hair follicles also increases.

  • Massage will also reduce your overall stress level improving your mood and providing relief from depression.

  • As blood circulation increases, the flow of nutrients and oxygen towards the hair follicles also increases. This will strengthen your hair roots.

  • Massaging also detaches the dead skin cells from the scalp and makes your scalp much cleaner.

Right way to do scalp massage

A better way to massage your scalp thoroughly is to the pad of your fingertips and apply gentle pressure to the skin. Then start moving your finger in a circular pattern and focus on sensitive areas like temples and the nape of your neck, performing the scalp massage for at least 5 minutes is recommended


Combing your hair, no doubt seems to be a simple and irrelevant tip but in reality, it plays a vital role in your daily hair-caring routine. When you are combing your hair you are releasing the knots of your hair making them free but this may cause the breakage of your hair if not carried out properly Here is how you can adopt to comb your hair:

  • Start combing your hair from the tips (means releasing knots from the end) and gradually move your way towards the roots of your hair.

  • A wide-tooth comb and especially a wooden comb would be the best choice to help detangle the knots of your hair.

  • Try to divide your hair into sections to easily comb your hair thoroughly and avoid applying extra force as it may break the hair.

Oiling your hair

The most efficient and the best gift that you can give to your hair is to oil them. It has been centuries since oiling hair provides unmatched hair growth and health. The most common and absolutely the most effective and beneficial oil is the one coconut oil. Coconut oil not only deeply moisturizes your hair and strengthen it but also reduces protein loss, making it excellent for promoting healthy hair growth. Coconut oil can help prevent dandruff, soften frizz, and restore dry hair. It can also help prevent lice infestation.

How to apply oil to your scalp

  • First, warm the oil slightly as the warmer oil better penetrates the skin and hair.

  • Try to use a dropper to drop oil directly to your scalp. You can also drop oil on your scalp in a simple traditional way.

  • Then massage your hair gently and thoroughly for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Then cover your hair and keep the hair oiled for 2-3 hours or better if left overnight.

  • You can oil your hair at least 2 times a week.

Avoiding Heat stylings

Nowadays, heat applications for hair styling have increased drastically leading the hair to become weaker and thinner. Not styling your hair with heat is not the point but the point is that not applying excessive heat to your hair. Here is why:

  • Breakage: Heat main effect on the strength of hair and makes them weaker so it can be broken easily leading to increased hair fall.

  • Roughness: It also affects overall hair appearance and makes the hair feel coarse and prone to tangling.

  • Dullness: As the appearance of the hair is compromised dullness and dryness appear, your hair become dull and seems to be less polished.

  • Limp curls: Damaged cuticles release moisture, causing curls to loosen or frizz.

What you can do

Try to avoid applying heat to your hair when your hair are wet. You should use high-quality hair care products and should avoid cheap or low-quality products. Never use temperature above 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Healthy and balanced diet for healthy hairs

Intake healthy diet

A healthy diet can be the key ingredient in maintaining the health of not only your hair but also your overall health and fitness. Hairs are mainly made up of keratin which is a form of protein, so they require protein to show the best growth and health. There are countless sources of protein nowadays. Many of them are cheap and many of them are too costly and hence very effective also. But below are some common yet enriched sources of protein and other essential ingredients required for healthier hair:

  • Eggs: Eggs are undoubtedly a complete source of protein. They also contain vitamin A, vitamin B12, and selenium which promote immunity.

  • Legumes: These are also a very good source of protein and also low in calories. Legumes like chickpeas, lentils, Soybeans, and peanuts are commonly available.

  • Milk: As you know, milk is a complete diet and contains almost all the ingredients that are required for good health.

  • Some other diets for hair health: Berries, spinach, yogurt, sweet potatoes, and sunflower seeds.

Weekly hair care routine for healthier hair

Your weekly hair care routine also determines the overall health of your hairs. These routines simplify that which procedure you should follow to promote your hair health on a weekly basis and which you should avoid repeating daily. Some of these are:

  • Apply warm coconut oil and perform massage for at least 10 minutes and at least 2 times a week.

  • Wash your hair with a gentle and sulphate free shampoo twice a week to remove dirt and excessive oil from the scalp.

  • Must apply a hair mask once a week to nourish your hair deeply and also to keep them well-hydrated.

Personal Tips

We have collected various hair care routines from many of our members and followers from everywhere. The results were very fascinating and it feels really exciting to share those tips and strategies that many of your members follow daily as well as weekly. So, let’s see what are those tips.

  • Make a hair care routine chart in which you can set a reminder of your weekly routine. This will help you understand what you have to do today for your hair health.

  • Start your day with a gentle and clean hair massage and apply a small quantity of warm coconut oil.

  • Before bedtime, try to massage your scalp without oil. This will help you to have a better and faster sleep overnight.

  • Perform egg treatment at least once a week. This will provide a protein boost to your hair.

  • After a wash never rub your so harshly but try to rub gently in a circular motion.

  • Using a wide-tooth comb, especially a wooden comb is highly recommended for long healthy, and thick hair.

  • Focus on eating a good and protein, minerals and vitamin rich diet, legumes, chicken meat, and nut would be the best option.

By continuously following the above-mentioned tips you will surely get the best and long-lasting results in your hair health. Please do follow us on our social media for the latest updates and for all your queries. If you like this article don’t forget to share this to the one who is having hair problem or is looking for a hair care routine.

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